East Asia Tenders


East Asia Tenders

Find all the latest contracts, tenders and government projects published in Eastern Asia on this website. Tender Impulse provides best in class tender information from all over 180+ countries from over 100+ industries across East Asia providing you with best in class procurement information for your business.

Gain access to thousands of opportunities published across Infrastructure, Defense, Healthcare, Consultancy, IT-software, Oil & Gas, manufacturing and other industries at your fingertips. Browse through thousands of fresh tenders published on a daily basis through our smart intuitive database of tenders published all across East Asian countries. You can browse tenders via

  • East Asia Tenders by country
  • East Asia Tenders by Keyword
  • East Asia Tenders by Sector
  • East Asia Tenders by Industry
  • East Asia Tenders by Publish Date
  • East Asia Tenders by Organization
  • East Asia Tenders by Deadline Date
  • East Asia Tenders by CPV
  • East Asia Tenders by province
  • East Asia Tenders by City
  • East Asia Tenders by Estimated budget

Tender Impulse makes East Asian tenders easy navigating the complexities of various public procurement portals that publish tender information. Our database gathers information from over 40,000 web sources giving you the latest procurement information bifurcated according to your business profile. You can choose to search via a multitude of functionalities to get only what you need. Our daily email alert is curated only as per your requirement to save you time and energy in sifting through multiple sites and browsing the right bid for your business. Gain access to over 10,000 live tendering opportunities published daily from the east Asian region including tenders from funded authorities, banks, hospitals, IT firms, Oil and Gas companies and more. Tender Impulse provides daily access to these bids and their related bid documents for you to compare and participate in international bids. Get complete access to tender information from across the different criteria.

  • East Asian Central Govt website
  • East Asian Public Procurement portals
  • East Asian Public Government websites
  • East Asian Ministry tenders websites
  • East Asian Defence Contracts
  • East Asian Healthcare contracts
  • East Asian countries tenders
  • East Asian Tenders
  • East Asia Public Corporation tenders
  • East Asian Funded Tenders
  • East Asian tender alert service

With our services, it is assured that companies do not miss out on a single tendering opportunity. Our SaaS platform is designed to suit your requirements whether you're an SME looking for smaller value projects from specific countries or a multinational corporation looking to bid on international projects. Tender Impulse provides customized information for all types of companies looking to expand their horizon in the East Asian market. What’s more is that we provide translated services for bid documents published in local East Asian languages. Tender Impulse provides information from all sectors across the East Asian region. The major sectors in this region include manufacturing, oil and gas, defence, construction and healthcare. We provide comprehensive information on these sectors providing you with the complete information you need for participating in international tenders.

  • East Asia Construction Tenders
  • East Asia Healthcare Tenders
  • East Asia Defence Tenders
  • East Asia Security Tenders
  • East Asia Manufacturing Tenders

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