Jch-21-0795-B Drugs and Medicines

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Invitation to Bid ITB Jch-21-0795-B Drugs and MedicinesClosing Date Time 22092021 900 AMArea of Delivery IloiloProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Bids and Awards CommitteeIloilo Provincial GovernmentProcurement of Drugs and MedicinesBid No Jch-21-0795-BPhilippine Bidding DocumentsSixth EditionJuly 2020Table of ContentsSection I Invitation to Bid3Section Ii Instructions to Bidders51 Scope of Bid 52 Funding Information 53 Bidding Requirements 54 Corrupt Fraudulent Collusive And Coercive Practices 55 Eligible Bidders 56 Origin of Goods 67 Subcontracts 68 Pre-Bid Conference 79 Clarification and Amendment of Bidding Documents 710 Documents Comprising the Bid Eligibility and Technical Components 711 Documents Comprising the Bid Financial Component 712 Bid Prices 813 Bid and Payment Currencies 814 Bid Security 815 Sealing and Marking of Bids 916 Deadline for Submission of Bids 917 Opening and Preliminary Examination of Bids 918 Domestic Preference 919 Detailed Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 920 Post-Qualification 1021 Signing of the Contract 10Section Iii Bid Data Sheet 11Section Iv General Conditions of Contract121 Scope of Contract 122 Advance Payment and Terms of Payment 123 Performance Security 124 Inspection and Tests 125 Warranty 136 Liability of the Supplier 13Section V Special Conditions of Contract 14Section Vi Schedule of Requirements 16Section Vii Technical Specifications 17Section Viii Checklist of Technical and Financial Documents 17Section I Invitation to Bid Purchase of Drugs and MedicinesBid No Jch-21-0795-B1 The Iloilo Provincial Government through the 2021 General Fund Intends to Apply the Sum of Nine Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Two Hundred One PesosPhp99720100Being the Abc to Payments under the Contract for the Purchase of Drugs and Medicines Bids Received in Excess of the Abc shall be Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening2 The Iloilo Provincial Government Now Invites Bids for the above Procurement Project Delivery of the Goods is Required by 14 Days upon Receipt of the Notice to ProceedNtp Bidders should have Completed Within Three 3 Years from the Date of Submission and Receipt of Bids A Contract Similar to the Project The Description of an Eligible Bidder is Contained in the Bidding Documents Particularly In Section Ii Instructions to Bidders3 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using a Non-Discretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act Ra No 9184Bidding is Restricted to Filipino CitizensSole Proprietorships Partnerships Or Organizations with at Least Sixty Percent 60 Interest or Outstanding Capital Stock Belonging to Citizens of the Philippines And to Citizens or Organizations of a Country the Laws or Regulations of Which Grant Similar Rights or Privileges to Filipino Citizens Pursuant to Ra No 5183 4 Prospective Bidders may Obtain Further Information from the Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat of the Iloilo Provincial Government and Inspect the Bidding Documents at the Address Given below during 900 aM To 300 PM5 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Acquired by Interested Bidders on September 15 2021 from the Given Address and WebsiteS below and upon Payment of the Applicable Fee for the Bidding Documents Pursuant to the Latest Guidelines Issued by the Gppb In the Amount of One Thousand Pesos Php1000006 The Procuring Entity shall Allow the Bidder to Present its Proof of Payment for the Fees in Person7 The Iloilo Provincial Government will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference on NA At the 2nd Floor Casa Real Room B Old Iloilo Provincial Capitol andOr through Video Conferencing or Webcasting Upon Request at Least Three 3 Days before the Pre-Bid Conference Via Zoom or Other Videoconferencing Portals Which shall Beopen to Prospective Bidders 8 Bids must be Duly Received by the Bac Secretariat through Manual Submission at the Ground Floor Iloilo Provincial CapitolLobby Bonifacio Drive Iloilo City on or before September 22 2021 at 900 aM Late Bids shall not be Accepted9 All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and in the Amount Stated in Itb Clause 14 10 Bid Opening shall be on September 22 2021 at 901 aMAt the 5thfloorBids and Awards Committee Office Iloilo Provincial Capitol Bids will be Opened in the Presence of the Bidders Representatives Who Choose to Attend the Activity 11 A The Participating BidderSupplier or its Authorized Representative must Indicate in Any of the Eligibility Documents An Email Address or a Working Fax Number The Absence of Which shall be a Ground for Disqualification Notice to the BidderSupplier through the Use of Either of These Means EmailFax is Considered Sufficient Notice The Date of Filing of Reconsideration and All Communications with the Bac shall be its Bac Date of ReceiptB The BidderSAwardeeS or its Authorized Representative must Conform to the Notice of Award within Three 3 Calendar Days from Receipt of Such Notice and the Winning Bidder shall Post the Required Performance Security and Enter into Contract with the Procuring Entity within Ten 10 Calendar Days from Receipt by the Winning Bidder of the Notice of Award in Accordance with Section 3721 of the Revised Irr of RA No 9184C The BidderSupplier must have No Pending Unaccepted Notice to Proceed Three 3 Days from the Date of Acceptance and Signing of the Purchase Order Otherwise It shall be a Ground for Disqualification and the Bidder will be Rated Failed during the Preliminary Examination of Bids andOr its Bid shall be Declared as Non-Responsive during Post-QualificationD The BidderSupplier must have No Notice of Award Pending its Conformity Three 3 Days from the Date of its Receipt of the Notice of Award Otherwise It shall be Aground for Disqualification and the Bidder will be Rated Failed during the Preliminary Examination of Bids andOr its Bid shall be Declared as Non-Responsive during Post-QualificationE The BidderSupplier shall Submit a List of All its Ongoing and Completed Projects with the Iloilo Provincial Government Indicating the Delivery Periods and Accomplishments of Such ProjectsF The BidderSupplier at the Time of the Bidding must have No Pending Unposted Performance or Warranty Security As the Case may be Beyond the Period Allowed in the Notice of Award Otherwise It shall be a Ground for Disqualification and the Bidder will be Rated Failed during the Preliminary Examination of Bids andOr its Bid shall be Declared as Non-Responsive during Post-QualificationG When an Occurrence of a Tie among Bidders Takes Place IE Two or More of the Bidders are Determined and Declared as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bidder Lcrb The Winning Bidder shall be Determined by Draw Lots upon Notice to the Bidders Concerned andOr Their Authorized Representatives in Accordance with the Relevant Circulars Issued by the Government Procurement Policy Board Gppb12 The Iloilo Provincial Governmentreserves the Right to Reject Any and All Bids Declare a Failure of Bidding Or not Award the Contract at Any Time Prior to Contract Award in Accordance with Sections356 and 41 of The2016 Revised Irr of Ra No 9184 Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders13 For Further Information Please Refer toAtty Elizabeth Dyhn a CabunaganBac Secretariat Head5th Floor Bids and Awards CommitteeIloilo Provincial CapitolEmail Address Ipg_bacsYahooComWebsite IloiloGovPhTelephone Number 033 336-073614 You may Visit the following Websites for Downloading of Bidding DocumentsIpgGovPh andOr PhilgepsComSeptember 9 2021Atty Dennis T VentilacionChairman Bids and Awards CommitteeSection Ii Instructions to Bidders1 Scope of BidThe Procuring Entity Iloilo Provincial Governmentwishes to Receive Bids for the Purchase of Drugs and Medicines Bid No Jch-21-0795-BThe Procurement Project Referred to Herein as Project is Composed of Fifteen ItemsThe Details of Which are Described in Section Vii Technical Specifications2 Funding Information21 The Gop through the Source of Funding as Indicated below for 2021 in the Amount of Nine Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Two Hundred One Pesos Php 9972010022 The Source of Funding isLgus The Annual or Supplemental Budget As Approved by the Sanggunian 3 Bidding RequirementsThe Bidding for the Project shall be Governed by All the Provisions of Ra No 9184 and its 2016 Revised Irr Including its Generic Procurement Manuals and Associated Policies Rules and Regulations as the Primary Source Thereof While the Herein Clauses shall Serve as the Secondary Source Thereof Any Amendments Made to the Irr and Other Gppb Issuances shall be Applicable only to the Ongoing Posting

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Are you searching for the most reliable and current tender information in the Philippines? And are you searching for government contracts, projects, or tender notices? Then you've come to the right place: Tender Impulse. We are striving to provide you with the richest tender data, RFPs, bids, online auctions, and much more to help with your business needs.

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Our service involves information from key sources, such as:

  • Tender Portals Philippine Central Government
  • Public Procurement Boards
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E-tendering can prove quite cumbersome, but Tender Impulse guides you through each step of it. Ranging from the registration process to finally submitting your tenders over the net, all aid is offered on our portal. Some of the key steps include:

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Tags: Philippines Tenders, Government Tenders, Philippines Projects, eProcurement, Public Procurement, Request for Proposals, Tender Notices, Contracts, Philippines Business Opportunities, Tender Impulse

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Sources all across Asia:

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