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The Art of Bid Writing & Consultancy

Bid Writing & Consultancy

It is a known fact that businesses rely heavily on sales for their success. To gain new clients, companies often need to go through the process of bids and tenders and one of the most discussed topic in bids is…

Key Strategies for Securing Defence Tenders Top Tips

Defence Tenders

The only possible beneficiary of wars are defence contractors whose products/services are used during war times. Defence spending has gone up substantially worldwide and hence governments are spending maximum on defence procurement. It has been observed that defence tenders have…

Common Tender Errors: Time to Cease Them!

Common Tender Errors

The topic of filling a tender is of immense importance to the business world as almost all bid managers find a perfect fit to understand the ingredients of a perfect tender response. It is important for bid managers and the…

Difference between bid and tender

Difference between bid and tender

The aim of this article is to explain the difference between a bid and a tender. Tenders and bids are words that are familiar to companies all around the world who look for business with governments. In fact, bids and…

The Advantages of Tendering – You Must Know

The Advantages of Tendering

This article aims to explain the advantages of a tendering process. Organizations need to understand the advantages of tenders in order to benefit it for their business. For tender issuing organizations, the benefits are different from those who are pursuing…

Tender Process: A Step by Step Guide


Tender Process: A Step by Step Guide Companies that look to participate in public tenders or business tenders must be aware of key elements involved in a tendering process. Typically, there are five stages of a public procurement contract. The…

Tender Essentials: What you need to know

What is tender? Companies often wonder what is a government tender and how they can bid in them? This article shall throw some light for beginners in understanding what is a government tender. A government tender, also known as a…