Explore the Comprehensive Services of Tender Impulse

Tender Impulse is a global procurement aggregator service that provides information on all International Government Tenders, RFP’s, RFQ’s, EOI’s, Prequalification’s and contract awards and project information on a single platform. It is a simplified lead generation platform that provides daily updates on relevant tenders and RFP’s from all over the world ensuring you do not miss out on any business opportunity within your business. The tender portal is designed using the latest Common Procurement Vocabulary and a keyword combination algorithm ensuring that you do not miss out on a potential business opportunity. Whether you’re an SME looking to explore the market or a global conglomerate looking at expanding your markets, the tender portal provides a perfect solution for companies looking to do business with government authorities worldwide. The advent of e-procurement has fuelled the need for authorities to publish opportunities in a transparent manner due to which the importance of getting leads through the platforms has increased. Tender Impulse operates in this niche sector of aggregating government tender leads from over 180 countries and local counties to give you best in class procurement digest. Our news alert services ensure you stay updated on the latest tenders, RFP’s from all over the world and give you the impulse you need for succeeding in your business.

Tender Alerts

We provide daily tender alerts based on a special algorithm that takes into account the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) as set out by the European Union to classify tenders and a keyword combination. This minimizes the overload and gives you customized information you need for your business. Our tender alerts are curated based on your business profile ensuring you only get leads for your business portfolio. You can download all tender notices and even request for complete tender documentation including bid documents, technical specifications, contract award information and any special information governing these tenders. We are experts at data mining and our algorithm ensures that you can make sense of the data supplied as it is curated as per your individual/company needs. We can also provide information published in local newspapers and magazines through our network of local agents who supply us with such information on a daily basis thus ensuring you do not miss out on local opportunities as well. Whether a tender is financed from the unilateral or multilateral funding authority or is a local municipality opportunity, our tender portal procures information like no other getting you what you need to succeed. We track more than 2 million sources of information daily and the number of sources increase continuously as the advent of e-procurement grows and more and more authorities are publishing their requirements using special portals and offline sources. We have a research team capable of finding the best in class procurement information from the darkest regions of Africa and Middle East to the swankiest cities in the USA and even Europe to Americas and the Asian continents.

Prequalification Information

Sometimes, it is too late for companies to enter into a government tender once it is released. For such companies, a good way to enter into a tender is by way of a Prequalification. A prequalification is set out by authorities who wish to disclose only a part of the project to be implemented in future to select companies so that they can limit competition and increase transparency. Tender Impulse is poised to provide prequalification documents released by authorities all around the world ensuring you enter the tender even before its release.

Access to complete Bid Documents

Each tender published has its associated document set which must be procured from the authorities in order to respond and bid in the opportunity. At Tender Impulse, we have developed a niche in providing complete bidding documents for all tenders posted on our website. We have a specialized team who ensures our clients get the right information by only requesting for the bid document via the website itself. Users/companies can order Tender Impulse to procure the complete bid documents by simply requesting for the documents set associated with each tender ensuring they do not waste time and resources in finding the information. Moreover, our connections with authorities via local agents in each country ensures that we get the most accurate information and save time and effort. In cases where authorities require submission of documents via their eprocurement platforms, our team guides companies in setting up their profiles and responding to tenders. Thus, the service is comprehensive in providing all tender related queries and allows companies to bid in real time for all live tenders.

Tender Results/ Contract Awards

Tender Impulse provides a one stop solution for your procurement information including results of tenders and awards of contracts. With this feature, customers are informed on how the results of the tenders went, who won the tender and at what cost was it finalized thus giving them insightful information to prepare for future contracts.

Report Generation

The Tender Impulse website provides an accurate report generation tool via which customers may generate reports of global tenders released in the past arriving from a specific territory. Users may choose to generate reports via deadline date, publish date, country, region, keywords etc to gain insightful information on tenders released from a specific criterion. An interactive dashboard enables users to see graphical representation of tenders released within their region of interest thus making it easier for market analysis purposes. The tender website thus offers a comprehensive toolkit for participation and analysis on public procurement and tendering procedures.

The Tender Impulse website is an excellent platform for both government authorities as well as contractors looking to bid in international government tenders. It offers complete transparency, increases competition amongst buyers and calls for a convenient electronic platform for finding and bidding in international bids.