Construction of Two-Storey Multi-Purpose Building Phase Ii and Phase Iii

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Invitation to Bid ITB Construction of Two-Storey Multi-Purpose Building Phase Ii and Phase IiiClosing Date Time 22092021 1000 AMArea of Delivery LeyteProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief I Structural Concrete Column BeamIi Reinforcing Steel of Reinforced Concrete StructuresIii Formworks and FalseworksIv Residential Casement Steel WindowsV Pre-Painted Metal SheetsVi Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory RidgeVii Cement Plaster FinishViii Painting Works Masonry PaintingIx Painting Works Wood PaintingX Painting Works Metal PaintingXi 100mm Chb Non Load Bearing Including Reinforcing SteelXii Structural Steel Roof Framing and TrussXiii Structural Steel PurlinsXiv Metal Structural Accessories Railings 1 Barangay Mohon Tanauan Leyte through the Bids and Awards Comm Invites Suppliers Distributors of Construction Materials for the Project Construction of Two-Storey Multi-Purpose Building Phase Ii and Phase Iii2 The Bids and Awards Committee will Use a Non-Discretionary PassFail Criterion in the Eligibility CheckScreening as Well as the Preliminary Examination of Bids3 The following Eligibility Documents in Two 2 Copies Duly Certified must be Submitted to the Bids and Awards Committee Bac not Later than September 22 2021A Letter of IntentB Business License PermitValid and Current Mayors PermitMunicipal LicenseC Dti Business Name Registration or Sec Registration CertificateD Latest Audited Financial StatementE Company ProfileF Tax Identification No TinG Sworn Statement by the Prospective Bidder that He is not Barred or Blacklisted from Participating in the Government Biddings Including Non-Inclusion in the Consolidated Blacklisting Report Issued by GppbH Other Appropriate License as Maybe Required by the Procuring EntityI Statement of Prospective Bidder of All its Ongoing and Completed Government and Private Contracts within the Period Specified in the Iaeb Including Contracts Awarded but not yet StartedJ Articles of Incorporation Partnership or Cooperation Whichever is Applicable Including Amendments Thereto If AnyK Sworn Affidavit of the Bidder that is not Related to the Head of the Procuring Entity Members of the Bac Twg and Secretariat and the Members of the Pmo and the Designers of the Project By Consanguinity or Affinity up to the Third Civil DegreeL Valid Joint Venture Agreement in Case of Joint VentureM Letter Authorizing the Bac or its Duly Authorized Representatives to Verify Any or All of the Documents Submitted for Eligibility CheckCertification under Oath that each of the Documents Submitted in Satisfaction of Eligibility Requirements is an Authentic and Original Copy Or a True and Faithful Reproduction of the Original Complete and that All Statements and Information Provided Therein are True and CorrectN Other Appropriate Licenses as may be Required by the Procuring Entity ConcernedO Copies of End-Users Acceptance Letter for Completed ContractsP Specification of Whether or not Prospective Bidder is a Manufacturer Supplier or DistributorQ Audited Financial Statement Received by the Ir or its Duly Accredited and Authorized Institutions For Immediately Preceding Calendar Year Showing among Others the Total Assets and LiabilitiesR Computation of Net Financial Contracting Capacity Nfcc orS Certificate of Commitment Specific to the Contract at Hand Issued by a Licensed Bank to Extend to the Bidder a Credit Line if Awarded the Contract orT a Cash Deposit Certified Certifying a Hold out on Cash Deposits Issued by a Licensed Bank Which shall Also be Specific to the Contract to be Bid In an Amount not Lower that the Set by the Procuring Entity in the Bidding Documents Which shall be at Least Equal to 10 of the Approved Budget for Contract4 Sealed Two 2 Envelope System will be Received by the Bac at the Barangay Hall not Later than 1000 am on September 22 20215 Barangay Mohon Tanauan Leyte Responsibility Whatsoever to Compensate or Indemnify Bidders for Any Expense Incurred in the Preparation of Their Bids6 Barangay Mohon Tanauan Leyte Reserves the Right to Reject or All Bids to Waive Any Defect and Informally ThereinHon Zosimo D EspinaBarangay ChairmanInstructions to Bidders11 only FirmsEntities Duly Qualified Eligibility Requirements by the Bids and Awards CommitteeBac to Participate in the Bidding may Submit Proposals12 Bids Tenders shall be Considered only from Bidders Who have Visited the Site and Who have Secured Bid Documents with the Equipment Specification at the Bac Secretary13 All BidsTenders shall be Prepared in English and Submitted to Bac Secretary14 the Bidder shall Prepare His Bid by Accomplishing and Submitting Three 3 Copies of the BidTender DocumentsEI Prescribed FormsIncluding the Required Enclosed Attachments All Blank Space must be Properly Filled out by the Typewriter except Where Specifically Otherwise Stated15 if Erasures or Changes are Made Each Erasures or Changes must Initiated by the Person Signing the BidTender16 BidTenders will be Submitted for Any Items BidsTenders must be for All Items in the Bill of Quantities of Any Items BidTenders shall be Written in Words as Well as in Figures The Price in Words shall Prevail In Case of Discrepancy in the Unit Price and the Extension Thereof The Unit Price shall Govern17 All Pages in Bid Tender Documents Including Annexes shall be Signed in Ink The BidTender must Signed by the Bidder Himself or Duly Authorized Person or Persons18 the BidTender shall Contain All the Information and Data Required to be Furnished by the BidderTender19 the Bidder Required to Make a Careful Examination and Contemplated in the Bid Documents Specifications Special Provisions if Any And the Form of Contract And Fully Informs Himself as to Quality of Materials The Submission of Bids by Any Bidder shall be Deemed that He has Made Such Examination and is Satisfied as to the Condition to be Encountered in Performing the Work Contemplated and has Familiarized Him with All the Requirements Governing or Affecting Him and His Operations110 the Barangay Assumes No Obligations Whatsoever to Compensate or Indemnify the Bidders Tenders for Any Expense or Loss that may Occur in the Preparation of Their Proposals Nor does the Barangay Guarantee that an Award will be Made under the Contract DocumentsBid Security111 All Bids shall be Accomplished by the Bid Security Least Equal to And not Lower than One Percent1As Approved Budget for the Contract to be Bid in the Form of Cash Certified Check Cashiers Check Managers Check Bank Draft or Irrevocable Letter of Credit One and One Half Percent1 in the Form of Bank Guarantee Two and One Half Percent 2 In the Form of Surety Bond Callable upon Demand Issued by a Reputable Surety or Insurance Company Payable to Barangay Mohon Tanauan Leyte as a Guarantee that the Successful Bidder within Ten Calendar Days10 or Less from Receipt of Notice of Award Enter into Contract with the Barangay and F6rnish the Performance Bond Bid Securities shall be Valid for a Reasonable Period as Indicated Which shall not be Less than One Hundred Twenty 120 Calendar Days following the Opening of Bids112 No Bid Securities shall be Returned to Bidders after the Opening of Bids and before Contract Signing Except of Those that Failed to Comply with Any of the Requirement Tone be Submitted in the First Bid Envelop of the Bid113 Failure to Enclose the Required Bid Security in the Form and Amount Prescribed Herein shall Automatically Disqualify the Bid ConcernedSubmission and Receipt of Bids114 BidProposals in the Prescribed Form Shall be Submitted in Two 2 Sealed Envelope Properly Marked in Capital Letters the NameTitle of the Project to be Bid and the Name of the Bidders And must be Addressed to the Bac Chairman Bids and Awards CommitteeBac and or Type Bac Chairman Barangay Mohon Tanauan Leyte The Bidders shall Mark the Two Envelopes do not Open Date and Time of Opening of Bids115 the First Envelope Which should be Marked 1st shall Contain the following 1Bid Security as to Form Amount and Validity Period 2Authority of the Signatory 3Production Delivery Schedule 4Manpower Requirements5After Sales ServiceParts if Applicable6Technical Specifications7 Commitment from the SuppliersDistributorsManufacturers Bank to Extend to Him a Credit Line if Awarded the Contract to be Bid or Cash Deposit Equivalent to Ten Percent 10 of the Abc P7639328Duly Signed Certificate in Compliance with the Disclosure Provision under Section 47 of the Act in Relation to Other Provisions of Ra3019 Duly Signed Statement Attesting to have Complied with Responsibilities Listed in Gpra Irr-A and Other Documents Materials as Stated in the Instruction to Bidders116 the Second Envelope Which should be Marked 2nd shall Contain the following 1The Bid Prices in the Bill of Quantities in the Prescribed Bid Form 2The Recurring and the Maintenance Costs If ApplicableWithdrawal of Bids117 a Bidder may Modify its Bid before Deadline for the Submission and Receipt of Bids not Allowed to Retrieve its Original Bid But shall Send Another Bid Equally Sealed Properly Identified and Marked as a Modification and Stamped Received by Bac118 a Bidder will be Allowed to Withdraw His Bid Prior to the Time Set for its Opening Provided He Communicated His Purpose in Writing to the Bac in this Case the BidTender shall Return to Him Un Opened No Bid can be Withdrawn for Any Reason Whatsoever after Opening of Bids has Commenced119 the Bidder shall be Responsible for Having Taken Steps to Carefully Examine All the Contract Documents Have Fully

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Tags: Philippines Tenders, Government Tenders, Philippines Projects, eProcurement, Public Procurement, Request for Proposals, Tender Notices, Contracts, Philippines Business Opportunities, Tender Impulse

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