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Request for Quotation RFQ Phrmo Request for Quotation Rfq for the Procurement of 14 Pcs Office ChairClosing Date Time 10092021 830 AMArea of Delivery Nueva VizcayaProcurement Mode Negotiated Procurement - Small Value Procurement Sec 539Brief Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of Nueva VizcayaBids and Awards Committtee GoodsBac Office Provincial Capitol Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya Request for Quotation RfqFor the Procurement of 14 Pcs Office ChairFor the Provincial Human Resources and Management Office Phrmo1 The Provincial Human Resources and Management Office Phrmo had Requested for the Procurement of 14 Pcs Office Chair Intends to Apply the Sum of Fifty Six Thousand Pesos 5600000 being the Approved Budget for the Contract Abc to Payments under the Contract for Charge to 5-02-03-990 to Cover Eligible Payments for Which this Request of Quotation is Issued2 A Set of Technical Specifications are Provided in Attachment 1 All Items Listed under the Purchasers Specifications must be Complied on a Pass-Fail Basis Failure to Meet Any of the Requirements will Result to Rejection3 Quotation Procedures will be Conducted in Accordance with the Provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act 91844 It is the Intent of the Purchaser to Evaluate the Bid Quotation for Lot and Award will be Made to the Bid Quotation or Combination of Bids Quotations Resulting in the Overall Lowest Cost BidQuotation for One or More or All Lots will be Considered Contract Award will be Made to the Lowest Evaluated QuotationS Meeting Purchasers Technical Specifications5 Quotation must be Delivered at the Bac Secretariat Office Pgso Province of Nueva Vizcaya not Later than 830am of September 10 20216 Your Prices must be Quoted in Philippine Peso and must Include the Unit Price and Total Price Inclusive of All Taxes to be Paid and Other Incidental Cost to the Delivery Site if the Contract is Awarded7 All BidsQuotations must be Placed in Sealed Envelope Marked Rfq for the Procurement of 14 Pcs Office Chair Address and the Amount of Abc 5600000 and Name of CompanyEstablishment8 BidsQuotations shall be Valid for Sixty 60 Calendar Days from Opening of Bids9 The Delivery Period shall be within Fifteen15 Calendar Days from Receipt of the Purchase Order Po10 Delivery Site Procurement Office Province of Nueva Vizcaya11 The Applicable Rate for Late Deliveries is One Tent 110 of One 1 Percent of the Cost of the Underperformed Portion for Every Day of Delay The Maximum Deduction shall be Ten Percent 10 of the Amount of Contract Once the Cumulative Amount of Liquidated Damages Reaches Ten Percent 10 of the Amount of the Contract The Procuring Entity shall Rescind the Contract Without Prejudice to Other Courses of Action and Remedies Open to it12 The Province of Nueva Vizcaya Reserves the Right to Accept or Reject Any Quotation And to Annul the Bidding Process and Reject All Quotations at Any Time Prior to Contract Award Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders and to Waive Any Minor Defects or Infirmities Therein and to Accept Such Quotation as may be Considered Advantageous to the Government13 The Prospective Bidder shall Submit the followingA Quotation FormB Technical SpecificationsC Certificate of Geps Registration Geps Registration Number14 For Further Information Please Refer toBids Awards Committee for Goods Bac-GoodsBac Secretariat Office Provincial Capitol CompoundBayombong Nueva VizcayaContact 0917-152-9239 078 392-2650Email Address PlgunuevavizcayaBacGmailComSgdEdwin B Galapon Md MhaProvincial Health Officer IiBac-Goods Chairperson