Maintenance and repair services for two Novo portable X-ray machines required for real-time inspection of suspected improvised explosive devices from CNAB equipment and replacement of parts required for permanent operation them.

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Maintenance and repair services for two Novo portable X-ray machines required for real-time inspection of suspected improvised explosive devices from CNAB equipment and replacement of parts required for permanent operation them.

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Romania Tenders Locate New Government Contracts and Opportunities

To reap business opportunities in Romania, you must have the latest news on government contracts, tenders, and procurement notices. Now, look at Romania tenders at your fingertips, which brings you everything you need to know about government tenders, projects, contracts, and e-tendering of Romania.

From our website, you can consult for RFPs, RFQs, GPNs, and even e-auctions in Romania. Find here how Tender Impulse can provide you with everything you need to participate in public and private procurement opportunities in Romania.

Why choose Tender Impulse for Romania tenders?

Tender Impulse offers you tender information that is quite accurate and up-to-date to 100%. Be sure to get tenders from the government or public tenders and international tenders up for bids so that you don't miss out on any important update. Keep ahead of your competition with real-time notifications and email alerts for services tailored to keep you abreast of the latest developments in the tender market in Romania.

Find the appropriate tender related to your business, available with ease, in our portal. Different opportunities of return on investment, type of project, time of closing of bids are tried to be compared so that you can make the right decision to meet the business goals you set.

Where to find Romania Tenders?

We provide a voluminous database through our vast sources of Romania Government tenders. The main source listed below include:

  • Romania Central Govt Tenders
  • Romania e-Tendering Portal
  • Romania Public Procurement Board
  • Romania Ministry Tenders
  • Romania Municipal Corporation Tenders
  • Romania State Procurement Board

By collating all these sources under one simple roof, Tender Impulse saves you time and effort. You do not have to search through multiple websites-everything is right there under your fingertips.

Major Industries and Sectors of Romania

Romania is a highly prospering economy and provides a diversified marketplace, offering opportunities in many fields. Be it construction, IT, defence, or energy-the Romanian government and public sector projects have created a rich marketplace for businesses to flourish. Tender Impulse provides information on the following top sectors:

Some of the business opportunities in Romania are listed below. By using your business acumen, you can find all the latest sector-specific tenders and projects on Tender Impulse.

How to find tenders in Romania?

Our search facility enables you to sieve through tenders based on location, type of project, and even the status of tenders. Whether you wish to view live tenders, open ones, or archived ones, our portal will guide you in a seamless process of finding exactly what you are looking for.

One can even search for NCBs, ICBs, and international organization funded tenders. With Tender Impulse, business opportunities in Romania come just a click.

Get access to Public Projects in Romania, as well as Private Projects in Romania

And while we focus on providing tender information, we also give you insights into upcoming projects in Romania-vital input for long-term business planning. Whether it's a public-private partnership project or a turnkey project, or even a BOT project, we present detailed descriptions of the projects so you pitch to the right kind of buyers at the right time.

The database for all project announcements, timelines of procurements, and possible collaborative business opportunities can be found through our project database. We help you stay ahead of the game with adequate information and preparation.

How to Register and Apply for Romania Tenders

However, it is not without its difficulties: being new in the region may make navigating the process of tendering doubly difficult. Well, Tender Impulse just makes it easy. The website guides step on how to register for a tender, how to make an application, and how to prepare winning bids. Our step-by-step guide will answer questions like these:

  • How do you get started on your e-tendering registration in Romania?
  • What's the process of the tender in Romania?
  • How do you apply for government contracts in Romania?
  • By following these guidelines, you win the tenders you desire and generate income.

Why Tender Impulse?

Tender Impulse is one of the most reliable online platforms to find Romania government tenders and business leads. We offer everything you need to search for, apply for, and hopefully win tenders in Romania with thousands of sources as well as an interactive interface.

Our platform provides the most current and comprehensive information online. By registering with Tender Impulse, you will gain full access to unlimited listings, details about projects, contract awards, in addition to custom email alerts, so you never miss a tender opportunity.

Romania tender market - All categories. The country is full of opportunities for businesses belonging to the respective industrial fields. It is now easy to find the right tender with Tender Impulse. Sign up today and browse through the latest tenders, contracts, and projects in Romania.

Europe Tenders:

On this page, you will find latest government tenders, RFP’s, RFQ’,s EOI’s, Prequalification’s and more from across the European Continent. Tender Impulse provides complete tendering opportunities from all across Europe. European tenders are known for transparency and high value contracts and engage in public procurement through sophisticated portals. They are highly accessible tenders sourced through multiple sources and are mostly electronic in nature. Tender Impulse provides the most accurate information on European tenders including publicly available sources such as TED Europa and all municipal council, state owned hospitals, companies and government entities across Europe. Gain access to all country tenders from Europe through a one stop solution. Search from over 50,000+ live tendering opportunities at any time through our exhaustive database. You can search for all types of tender notices including RFP’s, RFI’s, RFQ’s, Prequalification’s, EOI’s, supplier registration, GPN (General Procurement Notices) with relative ease.

Sources all across Europe:

Whether its TED Europa tender information or specific county, Tender Impulse has an exhaustive list of sources to procure European tender information from. At Tender Impulse, we pride ourselves in obtaining the right information from local as well as global sources to ensure you do not miss out on any opportunity. Whether you’re looking for local, state or municipal or international tenders, you have visited the right webpage. We are the portal of choice when it comes to European tenders as we have alliances with all public procurement sources to gain information from ensuring that you do not miss out on any tendering opportunity. You may browse the list via funding agency, non-funding agency, city, municipality, region or even country to gain access to the information for your business. Browse the list via

  • Europe Tenders via City
  • Europe Tenders by country
  • Europe Tenders by Organization
  • Europe Tenders by state
  • Europe Tenders by municipal county
  • Europe Tenders via DeadlineDate
  • Europe Tenders via Publish Date

Our intuitive search engine makes it possible to search tenders via deadline, organization name, tender notice number, description and even authority’s name. Get access to complete information on tenders and contracts released by

  • TED Europa Tenders
  • SIMAP Tenders
  • Marchespublics Tenders
  • EKAP Turkey Tenders
  • Public Procurement Belgium Tenders
  • Evergabe Germany Tenders
  • Mercell Tenders
  • HILMA Tenders
  • Public Procurement Latvia Tenders
  • Public Procurement Greece Tenders
  • UVO Tenders
  • Georgia e Tenders
  • Doffin eTenders
  • Portugal eTenders
  • UK eTenders
  • Sweden eTenders
  • Tenderned Tenders
  • NATO Tenders
  • UNDP Tenders
  • UNGM Tenders

Find the latest tenders in Europe benefiting your business. Register for a Free Trial today and experience the difference. You will receive daily notifications for all tenders across Europe. Our language translation services also ensures you can make sense of all information in English saving you time and effort in finding the relevant bids. Our Request further information services allows you to Procure complete bidding documents for all tenders posted on our website.

Most Lucrative Industries in Europe:

Tender Impulse is the best and the most comprehensive database of International Government Tenders for European region. Tender Impulse covers bids across all industries making it relevant for manufacturers and service providers alike to use our portal. Our smart, intuitive database churns out only the right opportunity matching your business needs. Some of the top industries in Europe that are engaged in RFP’s and RFQ’s across Europe include

  • European Defence Tenders
  • European Aviation Tenders
  • European Healthcare & Medical Tenders
  • European Management Consultancy Tenders
  • European IT-Software tendes
  • European smart card tenders
  • European Digital Identity Tenders
  • European Security Printing Tenders
  • European Infrastructure Tenders
  • European Oil and Gas Tenders
  • European Electrical equipment tenders
  • European Solar Industry tenders


Please go through the FAQ’s on any queries you might have on using the Tender Impulse service. Kindly reach out to us if you have any other query or would like to have access to our platform. We browse through 1000’s of sources to get you the most accurate information ensuring that you save time, effort and money in searching for bids online. The below FAQ’s shall make you understand the scope of our services. Tender Impulse has all bases covered to find tenders in Europe.

  • How to get access to European Tenders
  • Filing e-tenders in Europe
  • SIMAP Tender information
  • TED Europa free tenders
  • How to search for European Tenders
  • Best website for European Tenders
  • Public Procurement Aggregator website for European tenders
  • All European tender website
  • Search European tenders online
  • Tender alert service for European tenders
  • Tender aggregator for Europe
  • Best tendering website in Europe
  • Get Free tenders from Europe
  • Government tenders in Europe
  • Free European tenders
  • Etenders in Europe
  • E-tender website in Europe

If you have had a notion that defence contracts are all about procuring guns, ammunition, tanks, carriers, planes and ground vehicles then you are mistaken.

Military departments across the globe float defence contracts to national and international contractors in a bid to get their hands on quality assured yet reasonably priced services such as – 

  • Personnel accommodation construction services
  • Catering/food/produce suppliers
  • Cleaning service providers
  • Clothing suppliers
  • Contractors who can collect, sell and dispose of military spares
  • Construction service providers for bridges and military installations
  • Providers of counter-explosive ordnance equipment and services
  • Providers of digital services
  • Providers of diving equipment
  • Providers of electronics
  • Providers of facilities Management
  • Providers of fuel supply
  • Providers of healthcare, mental health and PTSD services
  • Providers of IT hardware, software, services
  • Providers of logistics support
  • Providers of recycling, and waste management services
  • Providers of retail services/facilities
  • Security service providers
  • Providers of software development services
  • Providers of telecommunications services
  • Providers of training and simulation services and systems
  • Providers of vehicle equipment repairs and maintenance services and
  • Vehicle suppliers.

In a nutshell, if you are a contractor associated with any of the abovementioned services and want to take your business to a global level then partaking in defence contracts is a great way to achieve that objective in no time.

How can we help?

We at Tender Impulse are one of the leading global defence tendering portals for contractors looking for international defence e-government tenders from government entities. Our defence tender website offers a trove of scrutinised public defence eprocurement information in the form of – 

  • RFP’s
  • RFQ’s
  • Tenders
  • Defence contracts
  • Pre-qualification notices
  • Contract award notices
  • Prior information notice, etc.

Our global defence government tender database is being periodically updated throughout the day. We have certified and experienced personnel under our payroll who have been associated with the defence e tenders sector for several years. 

We have trained our personnel to acquire business leads particularly, global defence open tenders. The defence public tenders are then accumulated, scrutinised and categorised based on their respective budgets, prerequisites, etc. 

We also make sure that the information is available based on services or products required by defence entities from all over the globe so that every contractor has a fair chance and they can get their hands on pertinent defence bids and tenders in no time. 

Our defence tender bidding website works in tandem with an intuitive search engine that is specifically designed to look for pertinent defence contracts. Our clients can look for pertinent defence e-procurement information using sophisticated CPV (or Common Procurement Vocabulary)

We also offer our clients defence tender submission services where our certified and experienced personnel will formulate convincing defence bid proposals so that our clients can win a contract for defence telecommunication cable tenders or defence runway lighting tenders every time and before their national and international rivals.

For more details, please call +91 9768157682 / +91 9987300609 or send an email to

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