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Invitation to Bid ITB Assorted Biscuit 3kgClosing Date Time 28092021 200 PMArea of Delivery AntiqueProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of AntiqueSan Jose De BuenavistaOffice of the Bids and Awards CommitteeInvitation to Bid for Assorted Biscuit 3kgGovernors Office San Jose AntiqueIb No N-2021-0201 The Provincial Government of Antique Through the General Fund Intends to Apply the Sum of Three Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos 3 000 15000 being the Abc to Payments under the Contract for Ib No N-2021-020 Bids Received in Excess of the Abc shall be Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening2 The Provincial Government of Antique through the General Fund Intends to Apply the Sum of Three Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos 3 000 15000 being the Abc to Payments under the Contract for each LotItem Bids Received in Excess of the Abc for each Lot shall be Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening3 The Provincial Government of Antique Now Invites Bids for the above Procurement Project Delivery of the Goods is Required by 7 Calendar Days upon Receipt of Notice to Proceed Bidders should have Completed Within Five 5 Years from the Date of Submission and Receipt of Bids A Contract Similar to the Project The Description of an Eligible Bidder is Contained in the Bidding Documents Particularly In Section Ii Instructions to Bidders4 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using a Non-Discretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act Ra No 91845 Bidding is Restricted to Filipino CitizensSole Proprietorships Partnerships Or Organizations with at Least Sixty Percent 60 Interest or Outstanding Capital Stock Belonging to Citizens of the Philippines And to Citizens or Organizations of a Country the Laws or Regulations of Which Grant Similar Rights or Privileges to Filipino Citizens Pursuant to Ra No 5183 6 Prospective Bidders may Obtain Further Information from Provincial Government of Antique and Inspect the Bidding Documents at the Address Given below during 800 aM To 500 PM7 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Acquired by Interested Bidders on September 7 2021 from the Given Address and WebsiteS below and upon Payment of the Applicable Fee for the Bidding Documents In the Amount of Php 500000 The Procuring Entity shall Allow the Bidder to Present its Proof of Payment for the Fees 8 The Provincial Government of Antique will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference on September 14 2021 2 00 PM At Bac Conference Room 2nd Floor Gov Enrique a Zaldivar Memorial Building New Capitol San Jose Antique andOr through Video Conferencing or Webcasting via Google Meet Video Call Link HttpsMeetGoogleComVes-Wwrd-Kiv or Dial Us 1 423-735-3207 Pin 720 573 181 Which shall be Open to Prospective Bidders 9 Bids must be Duly Received by the Bac Secretariat through Manual Submission at the Office Address Indicated below September 28 2021 2 00 PM Late Bids shall not be Accepted 10 All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and in the Amount Stated in Itb Clause 14 11 Bid Opening shall be on September 28 2021 2 00 PM At the Given Address below Bac Conference Room 2nd Floor Gov Enrique a Zaldivar Memorial Building New Capitol San Jose Antique Bids will be Opened in the Presence of the Bidders Representatives Who Choose to Attend the Activity andOr through VideoconferencingWebcasting via Google Meet Video Call Link HttpsMeetGoogleComVes-Wwrd-Kiv or Dial Us 1 423-735-3207 Pin 720 573 181 12 The Provincial Government of Antique Reserves the Right to Reject Any and All Bids Declare a Failure of Bidding Or not Award the Contract at Any Time Prior to Contract Award in Accordance with Sections 356 and 41 of the 2016 Revised Irr of Ra No 9184 Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders13 Only the Bona Fide Representative of the Prospective Bidder shall be Allowed to Purchase and Drop the Bidding Documents14 For Further Information Please Refer toBienvinido E Nallos Jr MpaSupervising Administrative OfficerProvincial Procurement Management Officer-DesignateProvincial Procurement Management Unit2nd Floor Gov Enrique a Zaldivar Memorial Bldg Pgso New Capitol San Jose De Buenavista Antique1 You may Visit the following WebsitesFor Downloading of Bidding Documents Www AntiqueGovPh Atty Nery G DuremdesProvincial AdministratorBac-Chairman Section Ii Instructions to Bidders1 Scope of BidThe Procuring Entity Provincial Government of Antique Wishes to Receive Bids for Assorted Biscuit 3kgThe Procurement Project Referred to Herein as Project is Composed of 1 Lot the Details of Which are Described in Section Vii Technical Specifications2 Funding Information21 The Gop through the Source of Funding as Indicated below for General Fund in the Amount of Php 3 000 1500022 The Source of Funding is Lgus The Annual or Supplemental Budget As Approved by the Sanggunian 3 Bidding RequirementsThe Bidding for the Project shall be Governed by All the Provisions of Ra No 9184 and its 2016 Revised Irr Including its Generic Procurement Manuals and Associated Policies Rules and Regulations as the Primary Source Thereof While the Herein Clauses shall Serve as the Secondary Source Thereof Any Amendments Made to the Irr and Other Gppb Issuances shall be Applicable only to the Ongoing Posting Advertisement Or Ib by the Bac through the Issuance of a Supplemental or Bid Bulletin The Bidder By the Act of Submitting its Bid Shall be Deemed to have Verified and Accepted the General Requirements of this Project Including Other Factors that may Affect the Cost Duration and Execution or Implementation of the Contract Project Or Work and Examine All Instructions Forms Terms And Project Requirements in the Bidding Documents4 Corrupt Fraudulent Collusive And Coercive PracticesThe Procuring Entity As Well as the Bidders and Suppliers Shall Observe the Highest Standard of Ethics during the Procurement and Execution of the Contract They or through an Agent shall not Engage in Corrupt Fraudulent Collusive Coercive And Obstructive Practices Defined under Annex I of the 2016 Revised Irr of Ra No 9184 or Other Integrity Violations in Competing for the Project 5 Eligible Bidders51 Only Bids of Bidders Found to be Legally Technically And Financially Capable will be Evaluated53 Pursuant to Section 23413 of the 2016 Revised Irr of Ra No9184 The Bidder shall have an Slcc that is at Least One 1 Contract Similar to the Project the Value of Which Adjusted to Current Prices Using the Psas Cpi Must be at Least Equivalent to A For the Procurement of Non-Expendable Supplies and Services The Bidder must have Completed a Single Contract that is Similar to this Project Equivalent to at Least Fifty Percent 50 of the AbcB For the Procurement of Expendable Supplies The Bidder must have Completed a Single Contract that is Similar to this Project Equivalent to at Least Twenty-Five Percent 25 of the AbcC For Procurement Where the Procuring Entity has Determined After the Conduct of Market Research That Imposition of Either A or B will Likely Result to Failure of Bidding or Monopoly that will Defeat the Purpose of Public Bidding The Bidder should Comply with the following Requirements Select Either Failure or Monopoly of Bidding Based on Market Research ConductedI Completed at Least Two 2 Similar Contracts The Aggregate Amount of Which should be Equivalent to at Least Fifty Percent 50 in the Case of Non-Expendable Supplies and Services or Twenty-Five Percent 25 in the Case of Expendable Supplies of the Abc for this Project andIi The Largest of These Similar Contracts must be Equivalent to at Least Half of the Percentage of the Abc as Required above54 The Bidders shall Comply with the Eligibility Criteria under Section 2341 of the 2016 Irr of Ra No 9184 6 Origin of GoodsThere is No Restriction on the Origin of Goods Other than Those Prohibited by a Decision of the Un Security Council Taken under Chapter Vii of the Charter of the Un Subject to Domestic Preference Requirements under Itb Clause 187 Subcontracts71 The Bidder may Subcontract Portions of the Project to the Extent Allowed by the Procuring Entity as Stated Herein But in No Case More than Twenty Percent 20 of the ProjectThe Procuring Entity has Prescribed that Subcontracting is not Allowed8 Pre-Bid ConferenceThe Procuring Entity will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference for this Project on the Specified Date and Time and Either at its Physical Address andOr through VideoconferencingWebcasting as Indicated in Paragraph 6 of the Ib9 Clarification and Amendment of Bidding DocumentsProspective Bidders may Request for Clarification on andOr Interpretation of Any Part of the Bidding Documents Such Requests must be in Writing and Received by the Procuring Entity Either at its Given Address or through Electronic Mail Indicated in the Ib At Least Ten 10 Calendar Days before the Deadline Set for the Submission and Receipt of Bids10 Documents Comprising the Bid Eligibility and Technical Components101 The First Envelope shall Contain the Eligibility and Technical Documents of the Bid as Specified in Section Viii Checklist of Technical and Financial Documents 102 The Bidders Slcc as Indicated in Itb Clause 53 should have been Completed within Five 5 Years Prior to the Deadline