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Invitation to Bid ITB Pb-I-2021-09-1384 Construction of Local Access Road of Napangan Proper Sitio Matol Brgy Napangan Don VictorianoClosing Date Time 15092021 1000 AMArea of Delivery Misamis OccidentalProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Invitation to BidForConstruction of Local Access Road of Napangan Proper Sitio Matol Brgy Napangan Don Victoriano1 The Provincial Government of Misamis Occidental Through the Lgsf-Sbdp 2021Intends to Apply the Sum of Nineteen Million Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine ThousandNine Hundred Eighty-Two Pesos and 55100 Php 1999998255 being theApproved Budget for the Contract Abc to Payments under the Contract for Pb-I-2021-09-1384 Construction of Local Access Road of Napangan Proper SitioMatol Brgy Napangan Don Victoriano Bids Received in Excess of the Abc shallBe Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening2 The Provincial Government of Misamis Occidental Now Invites Bids for the aboveProcurement Project Completion of the Works Required One Hundred Fifty 150Calendar Days Bidders should have Completed a Contract Similar to the Project TheDescription of an Eligible Bidder is Contained in the Bidding Documents ParticularlyIn Section Ii Instructions to Bidders3 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using NonDiscretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing RulesAnd Regulations Irr of Republic Act Ra No 91844 Interested Bidders may Obtain Further Information from Provincial Government ofMisamis Occidental and Inspect the Bidding Documents at the Address Given belowFrom 800 am 500 Pm Mondays to Fridays5 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Acquired by Interested Bidders onSeptember 7 2021 September 27 2021 from the Given Address and WebsiteSBelow and upon Payment of the Applicable Fee for the Bidding Documents PursuantTo the Latest Guidelines Issued by the Gppb In the Amount of Ten Thousand PesosPhp 1000000 The Procuring Entity shall only Acknowledge the Bidders WhoPresented its Proof of Payment for the Fees in Person6 The Provincial Government of Misamis Occidental will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference1On September 15 2021 10 am At the New Function Hall Capitol BuildingOroquieta City Misamis Occidental andOr through VideoconferencingWebcastingWhich shall be Open to Prospective Bidders 1 may be Deleted in Case the Abc is Less than One Million Pesos Php1000000 Where the Procuring Entity may not Hold aPre-Bid Conference97 Bids must be Duly Received by the Bac Secretariat through Manual Submission at theOffice of the Bids and Award Committee 3rd Floor New Capitol Building OroquietaCity on or before September 27 2021 10 am Late Bids shall not be Accepted8 All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and inThe Amount Stated in Itb Clause 169 Bid Opening shall be on September 27 2021 10 am at the Given Address below NewFunction Hall Capitol Building Oroquieta City Misamis Occidental Bids will beOpened in the Presence of the Bidders Representatives Who Choose to Attend theActivity10 Bidders Based outside Misamis Occidental must Include Business Mayors PermitFrom Any CityMunicipality in Misamis Occidental as One of the Requirements for thisProcurement Project11 A Csag Permit shall be Attached as One of the Technical Requirements for thisProcurement Project In Case the Contractor is not the Supplier of the MaterialsContractPurchase Receipt with the Source of Materials shall Suffice Provided that theSupplier must be Verified during Post-Qualification with Regards to the Csag Permit12 The Provincial Government of Misamis Occidental Reserves the Right to Reject Any andAll Bids Declare a Failure of Bidding Or not Award the Contract at Any Time Prior toContract Award in Accordance with Sections 356 and 41 of the 2016 RevisedImplementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Ra No 9184 Without TherebyIncurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders13 For Further Information Please Refer toJojo Noriel P AmpahanBids and Awards Committee - SecretariatLower Lamac Oroquieta City Misamis OccidentalBacsecMisoccGmailCom022 531-4618MisoccGovPhSgdBenecio L Adona Md Fics Fpsms Ms-Surg MphBac Chairperson10