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Tender Notice
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Invitation to Bid ITB Procurement of Construction Supplies and Materials Barangay Las NavasClosing Date Time 14092021 1000 AMArea of Delivery Agusan Del SurProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of Agusan Del SurMunicipality of ProsperidadBarangay Las NavasBids and Awards CommitteeInvitation to BidNo 2021-009The Barangay Government of Las Navas Prosperidad Agusan Del Sur Through its Bids and Awards Committee Bac Invites Private Supplier to Apply for Eligibility and to Bid for the following GoodsName of Contract Procurement of Construction Supplies and Materials Barangay Las NavasBrief Description For Improvement of Multi-Purpose BuildingApproved Budget forThe Contract Php 7506955Contract Duration Fifteen 15 Calendar DaysThe Bid Documents must be Procured by Interested Bidders to the Barangay Office of Las Navas Prosperidad Agusan Del Sur upon Payment of a Non-Refundable Amount of Five Hundred Pesos Php 50000 Starting September 7 2021 to September 13 2021 from 900am to 400pmThe Bidding Activity shall be Governed by the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Ra 9184 on the Eligibility Posting of Bidders Bond and Evaluation of Bids Using the Non-Discretionary PassFail CriteriaOnly Those Eligible Bidders Who Passed the Eligibility Requirement The Second Envelope will be OpenedFor Purposes of Bidding Activities The following Schedule shall be ObservedSubmission and Opening of Bids September 14 2021 1000am at the Barangay Office Las Navas Prosperidad Agusan Del Sur The Bac Reserves the Right to Reject Any or All Bids Declare Failure or Waive Any Defects Therein and Accept the Most Advantageous to the GovernmentBarangay Las Navas -Bids and Awards Committee Poblacion Prosperidad Agusan Del Sur September 6 2021SgdHonElena C Getubig Bac ChairmanBarangay Chairman