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Invitation to Bid ITB Procurement of Private Security Agency Services for Three 3 Years for Cf-Olongapo and Sattelites RebiddingClosing Date Time 28092021 1200 PMArea of Delivery ZambalesProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Invitation to Bid for the Procurement of Private Security Agency Services for Three 3 Years for Cf-Olongapo and Satellites Rebidding under Itb No Pb21-05-001oloa-091 The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation Pagcor Through the Pagcors Corporate Budget for Cy 2021 Intends to Apply the Annual Approved Budget for the Contract Abc of Ten Million Two Hundred Ninety-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-One Pesos and 68100 Php1029735168 Vat Exclusive Zero-Rated Transaction Or a Total Abc for Three 3 Years of Thirty Million Eight Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand Fifty-Five Pesos and 04100 Php3089205504 Vat Exclusive Zero-Rated Transaction Being the Total Abc to Payments under the Contract for the Procurement of Private Security Agency Services for Three 3 Years for Cf-Olongapo and SatellitesBids Received in Excess of the Abc shall be Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening2 The Pagcor Now Invites Bids for the above Procurement Project Delivery of the Goods is Required for a Period of Three 3 Years Commencing from the Date of Receipt by the Winning Contractor of the Notice to Proceed Bidders should have Completed Within Three 3 Years from the Date of Submission and Receipt of Bids A Contract Similar to the Project The Description of an Eligible Bidder is Contained in the Bidding Documents Particularly In Section Ii Instructions to Bidders3 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using a Non-Discretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act Ra No 9184Bidding is Restricted to Filipino CitizensSole Proprietorships Partnerships Or Organizations with at Least Sixty Percent 60 Interest or Outstanding Capital Stock Belonging to Citizens of the Philippines And to Citizens or Organizations of a Country the Laws or Regulations of Which Grant Similar Rights or Privileges to Filipino Citizens Pursuant to Ra No 5183 4 Prospective Bidders may Obtain Further Information from Pagcor and Interested Bidders may Inspect and Obtain Further Information from the Procurement Section Ps Acting as the Bac Secretariat Of Pagcor andOr Inspect the Bidding Documents at the Casino Filipino Olongapo 2nd Floor Jb Richwell Corporation Bldg 580 Rizal Avenue East Tapinac Olongapo City from Mondays to Fridays During Office Hours of Pagcor from 900 aM To 500 PM Except for Saturdays 5 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Acquired by Interested Bidders on September 7 2021 Tuesday to September 28 2021 Tuesday from the Given Address and WebsiteS below upon Payment of the Applicable Fee for the Bidding Documents Pursuant to the Latest Guidelines Issued by the Gppb In the Amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos Php2500000Pagcor shall Allow the Bidder to Present its Proof of Payment for the Fees Either in Person By Facsimile Or through Electronic Means Prospective Bidders may Also Download the Bidding Documents Free of Charge from WwwPagcorPh and WwwPhilgepsGovPh and may be Allowed to Submit Bids Provided that Bidders Pay the Applicable Fee of the Bidding Documents not Later than the Deadline for the Submission and Receipt of Bids In Effecting Payment for the Bidding Documents Prospective Bidders shall Present Either the Payment Slip Which may be Secured from the Ps Or a Copy of this Invitation to Bid Itb to Finance Section Located at the Casino Filipino Olongapo 2nd Floor Jb Richwell Corporation Bldg 580 Rizal Avenue East Tapinac Olongapo CityThe Pagcor will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference on September 14 2021 Tuesday 1000 aM At the Casino Filipino Olongapo 2nd Floor Jb Richwell Corporation Bldg 580 Rizal Avenue East Tapinac Olongapo City Which shall be Open to Prospective Bidders 6 Bids must be Duly Received by the Bac Secretariat through Manual Submission on or before September 28 2021 Tuesday 1200 Nn at the Casino Filipino Olongapo 2nd Floor Jb Richwell Corporation Bldg 580 Rizal Avenue East Tapinac Olongapo City Late Bids shall not be Accepted7 All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and in the Amount Stated in Itb Clause 14 8 Bid Opening shall be on September 28 2021 Tuesday 1200 Nn Onwards at the Casino Filipino Olongapo 2nd Floor Jb Richwell Corporation Bldg 580 Rizal Avenue East Tapinac Olongapo City Bids will be Opened in the Presence of the Bidders Representatives Who Choose to Attend the Activity 9 Bidders shall Bear All Costs Associated with the Preparation and Submission of Their Bids And Pagcor will in No Case Be Responsible or Liable for Those Costs Regardless of the Conduct or Outcome of the Bidding ProcessBidders should Note that Pagcor will Accept Bids only from Those that have Paid the Applicable Fee for the Bidding DocumentsPagcor Assumes No Responsibility Whatsoever to Compensate or Indemnify Bidders for Any Expenses Incurred in the Preparation of Their BidsIn Accordance with Government Procurement Policy Board Gppb Circular 06-2005 - Tie-Breaking Method The Bids and Awards Committee Bac shall Use a Non-Discretionary and Non-Discriminatory Measure Based on Sheer Luck or Chance Which is Draw Lots in the Event that Two 2 or More Bidders have been Post-Qualified and Determined as the Bidder Having the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid Lcrb to Determine the Final Bidder Having the Lcrb Based on the following ProceduresA in Alphabetical Order The Bidders shall Pick One Rolled PaperB the Lucky Bidder Who would Pick the Paper with a Congratulations Remark shall be Declared as the Final Bidder Having the Lcrb and Recommended for Award of the Contract 10 The Pagcor Reserves the Right to Reject Any and All Bids Declare a Failure of Bidding Or not Award the Contract at Any Time Prior to Contract Award in Accordance with Sections 356 and 41 of the 2016 Revised Irr of Ra No 9184 Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders11 For Further Information Please Refer toAllan D OcampoActing Procurement Officer ICasino Filipino Olongapo 2nd Floor Jb Richwell Corporation Bldg 580 Rizal Avenue East Tapinac Olongapo CityTel Nos 047 222-4565 to 66 WwwPagcorPh12 You may Visit the following WebsitesFor Downloading of Bidding Documents WwwPagcorPh or WwwPhilgepsGovPh Date of Issue September 7 2021_______sgd________________________Ruben M Racelis JrChairpersonBranch Bids and Awards Committee BbacCasino Filipino - Olongapo