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Invitation to Bid ITB Purchase of Steam Powered Fish Drying FacilityClosing Date Time 15092021 100 PMArea of Delivery Zamboanga Del SurProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Purchase of Steam Powered Fish Drying FacilityAbc Php 424000001 Unit Fish Dryer Combination of Mechanical and SolarDryer is Steam Heated Pneumatic Boilers is Provided2 Drying Chambers with 48 Pcs Drying Trays DryingChamber Size are 6ft X 24ft Each1 Unit Retort ChamberMade of Stainless Steel Grade 304 with a CapacityApproximately 500 Bottles Regular Size RetortDimension is 25ft In Diameter and 4ft In LengthInvitation to Apply for Eligibility and to BidPzds-2021-09-055-IbThe Lgu-Pitogo Through the Bids and Awards Committee Bac Invites Suppliers Registered with the Philgeps to Apply for Eligibility and if Found Eligible To Bid for the Hereunder ContractName of Contract Purchase of Steam Powered Fish Drying FacilityLocation Pitogo Zamboanga Del SurBrief Description Fish Drying FacilityApproved Budget for the Contract Php 42400000The Bac will Use Non-Discretionary PassFail Criteria in the Eligibility CheckScreening as Well as the Preliminary Examination of Bids The Bac will Conduct Post-Qualification of the Lowest Calculated BidAll Particulars Relative to Eligibility Statement and Screening Bid Security Performance Security Pre Bid Conference Evaluation of Bids Post-Qualification and Award of Contract shall be Governed by the Pertinent Provision of RA 9184 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations IrrThe Schedule of Bac Activities is as FollowsBac Activities Schedule1 Pre-Procurement Conference NA2 AdvertisementPosting of Invitation to Bid September 07 20213 Issuance of Bidding Documents September 07 15 20214 Pre Bid-Conference NA5 Request for Clarification September 10 20216 SupplementalBid Bulletin September 13 20217 SubmissionOpening of Bids and Eligibility Check September 15 20218 Submission of Additional Requirements September 16 20219 Bid Evaluation September 17 202110 Post Qualification September 20 21 202111 Approval of Bac ResolutionIssuance of Notice of Award September 23 202112 Contract Preparation and Signing September 27 28 202113 Approval of Contract September 29 30 202114 Issuance of Notice to Proceed October 01 2021The Bac will Issue to Prospective Bidders Eligibility Forms at Lgu-Pitogo Zambo Sur Upon Their Submission of the Loi And upon the Payment of Non-Refundable Amount of Five Hundred Pesos P 50000 to the Lgu-Pitogo Zambo Sur Cashier Prospective Bidders shall Submit the Eligibility Requirements to the Bac at the Said Address They may Obtain the Result of the Eligibility Check by the Bac at the Same AddressThe Bac will Issue Bidding Documents only to Bidders Declared by the Bac to be Eligible for the Bidding upon Payment of the above Mentioned Non-Refundable Amount to the Cashier of Lgu-Pitogo Zambo SurThe Lgu-Pitogo Zambo Sur Assumes No Responsibility Whatsoever to Compensate or Indemnify Bidders for Any Expenses Incurred in the Preparation of Their BidsApprovedSgd Engr Noel B OgangBac ChairmanDate of Publication September 07 2021NewspaperPlace Conspicuous Places in theMunicipality of Pitogo Zds