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Request for Quotation RFQ Rod-21-1113-NpSv Housekeeping SuppliesClosing Date Time 13092021 900 AMArea of Delivery IloiloProcurement Mode Negotiated Procurement - Small Value Procurement Sec 539Brief Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of Iloilo Bids and Awards CommitteeRequest for QuotationQuotation No Rod-21-1113-NpSvReference Pr No Rod-21-1113September 6 2021____________________________________________________________Suppliers Name and Office AddressThe Iloilo Provincial Government Through its Bids and Awards Committee Bac Hereby Invites All Interested SupplierDistributor to Quote Their Lowest Price on the Items Listed below Subject to the Terms and Conditions Stated Herein Stating the Shortest Time of Delivery And Submit the Same Duly Signed by Their Authorized Representatives not Later than September 13 2021 at 900 aM At the Ground Floor Iloilo Provincial Capitol Lobby Iloilo City after Payment of the Rfq Form in the Amount of Five Hundred Pesos 50000Engr Romeo AndigVice-Chairperson BacApproved Budget for the Contract 11278000Place of Delivery Provincial Registry of Deeds Iloilo City Date of Delivery Within Fourteen 14 Calendar Days upon Receipt of the Notice to ProceedX Complete Bid Partial Bid Item No Quantity Unit of Issue Description Estimated Unit Cost Brand Unit Cost Total Cost 1 20 Pc Air Freshener Gel 320ml 26000 2 20 Pc Air Freshener Spray 320ml 21000 3 20 Pc Soft Broom 16000 4 20 Bottle All Purpose Cleaner 500ml 15000 5 5 Pack Coffee 3 in 1 48s 26000 6 10 Pack Detergent Powder 2kg 21500 7 20 Bottle Dishwashing Liquid 250ml 6500 8 10 Pc Doormat Cloth 5000 9 10 Pc Dust Pan 6000 10 15 Bottle Furniture Polisher 330 Ml 31000 11 1000 Pc Garbage Bag Xl 650 12 20 Bottle Glass Cleaner 500ml 18000 13 15 Pc Feather Duster 5400 14 20 Bottle Insect Spray 500ml 34000 15 10 Pc Mophead 400 Grams Twisted 9800 16 20 Bottle Muriatic Acid 1 Gal 15000 17 250 Bottle Rubbing Alcohol 70 9000 18 50 Pack Tissue Paper 3ply 12s 28000 19 20 Bottle Toilet Bowl Cleaner 500ml 9000 20 10 Pc Waste can Medium W Cover 18000 21 20 Pc Toilet Deodorant Big 5800 22 10 Bottle Toilet Cleaner 500ml 9000 23 15 Bottle Fabric Conditioner 1 Liter 9000 24 10 Bottle Handwash Soap 200ml 9000 25 50 Pc Bulb Capsule 18w Led Type 21000 26 50 Pc Fluorescent Tube 40w 107 12000 27 40 Pc Detergent Bar Jumbo 1500 28 6 Bottle Purifier Water Based Oil 500 Ml 33000 29 50 Pc All Purpose Rug Cloth-Big 3000 Kindly Indicate the Delivery Period and Bid Amount in Words and Figures in the Space Provided below Non-Compliance shall be a Ground for DisqualificationTotal Bid Amount in Figures _________________Statement of Delivery Period ________________________________________________________________Bid Amount in Words ______________________________________________________________________Kindly Indicate the Rfq Number and Date of Opening of Bids on the outside of the Envelope and Submit this Quotation with the following Requirements1 MayorsBusiness Permit2 Philgeps Registration Number for the Alternative Methods of Procurement under Section 50 Section 521 B Section 533 Section 536 Section 537 Section 539 Section 5310 And Section 5311 of the Revised Irr of RA No 91843 IncomeBusiness Tax Return for the Procurement Projects with Abc above 500000004 Notarized Omnibus Sworn Statement Specifying the Rfq Number for Procurement Projects with Abc above 50000005 DtiSecCda Registration Certificate6 Notarized Authority of the Signatory If Representative Spa of Proprietor for Single ProprietorshipSecretary Certificate for Corporation7 Technical Specifications in the Prescribed Form For Non-ExpendablesNon-Consumables8 Schedule of RequirementsDelivery Period in the Prescribed Form9 After-Sales ServiceParts For Goods Requiring Maintenance ServiceParts10 Manpower Requirements For the Procurement of Projects with Labor Component 11 Financial Proposal in the Prescribed Form12 Active Email Address or Working Fax Number Absence of Both is a Ground for the Rating of its Bid as Failed or Disqualified13 For Easy Validation during the Post-Qualification in the Procurement of Drugs and Medicines Bidders are Encouraged to Submit the followingA License to Operate from the Food and Drug Administration FdaB Certificate of Product Registration from the FdaC Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice from the FdaD Batch Release Certificate from the FdaE If the Supplier is not the Manufacturer Certification from the Manufacturer that the Supplier is an Authorized DistributorDealer of the Products Items andF For the Procurement of Regulated Drugs The Applicable Type of S-LicenseS-1 S-3 Retailer S-4 Wholesaler S-5c Manufacturer S-5d Bulk DepotStorage S-5e S-5i Importer14 For the Procurement of Infrastructure Projects Bidders must Submit a Valid Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board Pcab License and Indicate Compliance with the Manpower RequirementsProvince of IloiloBids and Awards CommitteeRequest for Price Quotation No Rod-21-1113-NpSvReference Pr No Rod-21-1113Terms and Conditions1 All Entries must be Filled-Up Written Or Printed Legibly Failure to Use this Form will Result to Disqualification of Your Bid2 Delivery Period Within Fourteen 14 Calendar Days upon Receipt of the Notice to Proceed3 Bids and Bid Securities shall be Valid for One Hundred Twenty 120 Calendar Daysfrom the Date of the Opening of Bids4 Bids Exceeding from the Approved Budget for the Contract Abc shall be Disqualified5 The Participating BidderSupplier or an Authorized Representative must Indicate an Email Address or Working Fax Number Notice to the Bidder through Either of These Means EmailWorking Fax Number is Considered Sufficient Notice6 The SupplierAwardeeS must Conform to the Notice of Award within Three 3 Calendar Days from Notice of Such Award and Enter into Contract with the Procuring Entity within Ten 10 Calendar Days from Receipt by the Winning Bidder of the Notice of Award Otherwise The Award shall be Forfeited or Cancelled7 The Awardee shall be Responsible for the SourceS of His Supplies Materials Equipment and shall Make Deliveries in Accordance with the Schedule Quality and Specifications of Award and Purchase Order Failure of the Awardee to Comply with the Same shall be Ground for the Cancellation of the Award and Purchase Order Issued to the Awardee8 All Deliveries by Suppliers shall be Subject to Inspection and Acceptance by the Representative of the General Services Office and End User9 Rejected Deliveries shall be Construed as Non-Delivery of the ProductSItemS so Ordered and shall be Subject to Liquidated Damages Subject to the Terms and Conditions Prescribed under Paragraph 10 Hereof10 Supplier shall Guarantee His Deliveries to be Free from Defects Any Defective ItemSProductS Therefore that may be Discovered by the End-User within the Warranty Period after Acceptance of the Same shall be Replaced by the Supplier within Seven 7 Calendar Days upon Receipt of a Written Notice to that Effect11 Performance Security or Warranty Security As the Case may be Shall be Required from the Winning Bidder in Accordance with the Provisions of RA No 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations12 When an Occurrence of a Tie among Bidders Takes Place IE Two or More of the Bidders are Determined and Declared as the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bidder Lcrb The Winning Bidder shall be Determined by Draw Lots upon Notice to the Bidders Concerned andOr Their Authorized Representatives in Accordance with the Relevant Circulars Issued by the Government Procurement Policy Board Gppb13 The Supplier must Indicate its Complete BusinessMailing Address Otherwise The Lack Thereof is a Ground for Disqualification14 All OffersQuotations must be Properly Sealed and Marked in Envelopes Unsealed or Unmarked Envelopes shall be Rejected15 The Printed Name and Signature of the BidderSupplier or of its Authorized Representative must be Legible and Verifiable and must Indicate HisHer Position Non-Compliance is a Ground for Disqualification16 Bidders shall Prepare an Original of the Documentary Requirements for Negotiated Procurement In Addition Bidders shall Submit Separate Copies Thereof Copy 1 Copy 2 and each Set of Documents must Clearly Indicate Whether the Same is Original Copy 1 Or Copy 2 Non-Compliance shall be a Ground for Declaration of FailureDisqualification In the Event of Any Discrepancy between the Original and the Copies The Original shall Prevail