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Invitation to Bid ITB Supply and Delivery of Hardware Materials for Completion of Rural Health Station Rhu Govt Center San Luis AdsClosing Date Time 27092021 100 PMArea of Delivery Agusan Del SurProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of Agusan Del SurMunicipality of San LuisInvitation to BidSupply and Delivery of Hardware Materials for Completion of Rural Health Station Rhu Govt Center San Luis Ads1 The Municipal Government of San Luis Agusan Del Sur Reserve the Amount of Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Six Pesos 44100 only P 72738644 from the Trust Fund-Doh of San Luis Agusan Del Sur Intended for the Supply and Delivery of Hardware Materials for Completion of Rural Health Station Rhu Govt Center San Luis Ads2 The Municipality of San Luis is Now Invites Bids for the Supply and Delivery of Hardware Materials for Completion of Rural Health Station Rhu Govt Center San Luis Ads The Supply and Delivery of Hardware Materials for Completion of Rural Health Station Rhu Govt Center San Luis Ads will be Completed within 30 Calendar Days from the Receipt of Notice to Proceed3 The Documents Required in the Eligibility Documents shall be Submitted as Part of the Technical Documents of the Bidders as Provided in the Instruction to Bidders4 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using a Nondiscretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act Ra 9184 Otherwise Known as the Government Procurement Reform Act5 Interested Bidders may Obtain Further Information from the Municipality of San Luis Bids and Awards Committee Bac Secretariat and Inspect the Bidding Documents at the Address Given below during Office Hours from 800 aM To 500 PM6 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Purchased by Interested Bidders Beginning on September 08 2021 800 aM until September 27 2021 100 PM From the Address below and upon Payment of a Nonrefundable Fee in the Amount of Seven Hundred Pesos P 70000 The Municipality of San Luis will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference on September 15 2021 100 PM At Mpdc Office This Municipality Which shall be Open to All Interested Parties7 Sealed Bids must be Delivered to the Address below on or before September 27 2021 100 PM All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms Pursuant to RA 9184 Section 2728 Bid Opening shall Also be Held on September 27 2021 Between 100 PM - 300 PM At Mpdc Office of this Municipality Bids will be Opened in the Presence of the Bidders or Their Authorized Representatives Who Choose to Attend Late Bids shall not be Accepted9 The Municipality of San Luis Reserves the Right to Accept or Reject Any Bid To Annual the Bidding Process And to Reject All Bids at Any Time Prior to Contract Award Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders10 For Further Information Please Refer toMunicipality of San Luis Bac SecretariatAgusan Del Sur PhilippinesCellphone 09195910148Engr Marlon D Aclan End User 09078663179Sgd Napoleon C BasconBac ChairmanSan Luis Bids and Awards Committee