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Invitation to Bid ITB Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Two 2 Units Cacao Processing FacilityClosing Date Time 27092021 900 AMArea of Delivery LeyteSouthern LeyteProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Section I Invitation to BidDa8-Infra-2021-26 Rebidding Pr No Hvcdp-21-07-08-04531 The Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office No 8 Through the Hvcdp-CO Intends to Apply the Sum of Four Million Six Hundred Thousand Pesos only P460000000 being the Approved Budget for the Contract Abc to Payment for the Supply of Labor and Materials for the Construction of Two 2 Units Cacao Processing Facility Bids Received in Excess of the Abc shall be Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening 2 The Department of Regional Field Office Viii Now Invites Bid for the above Procurement Project Completion of Works is Required within Seventy-Seven 77 Calendar Days Bidders should have Completed a Contract Similar to the Project The Description of an Eligible Bidder is Contained in the Bidding Documents Particularly In Section Ii Instruction to BiddersQty Uom Desription Estimated Total CostLot 1 Cacao Processing Facility 1 Unit Hilongos Leyte 230000000Lot 2 Cacao Processing Facility 1 Unit Maasin City Southern Leyte 230000000Scope of Work Per Unit Each 1 I Recognition Plate Each 1 Ii Project BillboardStandard Billboard LS 1 Iii MobilizationDemobilization SqM 150 Iv Clearing Grubbing CuM 60 V Structural Excavation Common Soil CuM 48 Vi Foundation Fill CuM 115 Vii Gravel Bedding CuM 205 Viii Structural Concrete for Footing and Slab on Fill SqM 225 Ix 100 Mm Chb Non Load Bearing Including Reinforcing Steel CuM 65 X Structural Concrete for Column CuM 39 Xi Structural Concrete for Beam Kgs 3000 Xii Reinforcing Steel of Reinforced Concrete Structures SqM 146 Xiii Formworks and Falseworks LS 1 Xiv Plumbing Works SqM 108 Xv Aluminum Glass Window Sliding SqM 140 Xvi Pre-Painted Metal Sheets Rib Type LS 1 Xvii Chb Septic Vault LS 1 Xviii Sewer Line Works LS 1 Xix Storm Drainage and Downspout LS 1 Xx Ceiling SqM 12 Xxi Jalousie Window Glass SqM 67 Xxii Wooden Panel Door with Aluminum Screen W Frames and Jambs LS 1 Xxiii Steel Aluminum Roll up Doors SqM 14 Xxiv Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory Ridge and Flashings M 48 Xxv Fabricated Metal Roofing Accessory Gutter SqM 69 Xxvi Glazed Tiles and Trims SqM 350 Xxvii Cement Plaster Finish SqM 384 Xxviii Painting Works Masonry Painting SqM 132 Xxix Painting Works Wooden Painting SqM 60 Xxx Painting Works Metal Painting Set 2 Xxxi Pvc Doors and Frames LS 1 Xxxii Structural Steel LS 1 Xxxiii Conduit Works Boxes and Fittings LS 1 Xxxiv Wires and Wiring Devices LS 1 Xxxv Panel Board with Main and Branch Breaker LS 1 Xxxvi Lighting Fixtures LS 1 Xxxvii Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Equipment LS 1 Xxxviii Roll up Counter and Pvc Curtain Terms and ConditionsA During the Opening of Bids The Bidder shall Submit an Affidavit of Site Inspection as Part of its Technical DocumentsB The Winning Bidder shall1 Commence Construction Works Immediately after Seven 7 Days upon Receipt of Notice of Proceed Ntp2 Complete Construction of the Facility Within 77 Calendar Days3 Provide Necessary Tools and Equipment for the Satisfactory Completion of the Project4 Assume Full Responsibility from the Time of the Project Construction Commenced up to Final Acceptance by the Procuring Entity and shall be Held Responsible for Any Damage in Part or in Whole except Those Occasioned by Force Majeure5 Assign a Licensed Civil Engineer with at Least 1 Year Experience Related to the Project6 Submit Material Test Report or its Equivalent Standard Certificate for Aggregates Sand and Gravel and Cement7 Submit Material Test Result for Concrete and Reinforcing Bars8 Be Paid through Progress Billing in the following Schedule Based on the ValidatedVerified Statement of Work Accomplished Swa by the Da-Rfo8 Project Engineer To WitA At Least 50 of the Physical AccomplishmentB At Least 80 of the Physical AccomplishmentC 100 of the Physical Accomplishment9 Initiate Pre-Construction Meeting and Submit PertCpm S-Curve with Cash Flow within 7 Days upon Receipt of Ntp10 Secure All Necessary Permits Required for the Project Implementation11 Submit Geo-Tagged Photo Every Billing Schedule12 Strictly Observe Construction Safety Rules and Health Program Approved by Department of Labor and Employment Dole and Iatf Covid-19 Related Issuances during Project Implementation3 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using Non-Discretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the 2016 Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act Ra No 91844 Interested Bidders may Obtain Further Information from Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 8 and Inspect the Bidding Documents at the Address Given below during Office Hours From 800 am to 500 Pm5 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Acquired by Interested Bidders on September 7 to 27 2021 from Given Address and Websites below and upon Payment of the Applicable Fee for the Bidding Documents Amounted to Five Thousand Pesos only P500000 Pursuant to the Latest Guidelines Issued by the Gppb 6 The Department of Agriculture-Rfo 8 will Hold a Pre-Bid Conference on September 14 2021 900 am at Bac Office Da-Rfo8 Kanhuraw Hill Tacloban City andOr through VideoconferencingWebcasting via ZoomFb Messenger Which shall be Open to Prospective Bidders 7 Bids must be Duly Received by the Bac Secretariat through Manual Submission at the Office Address Indicated below or OnlineElectronic Submission as Indicated below on or before September 27 2021 900 am Bac-Secretariat Time Late Bids shall not be Accepted8 All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and in the Amount Stated in Itb Clause 169 Bid Opening shall be on September 27 2021 900 am Bac-Secretariat Time at Da8 Bac Office 4th Floor Green Bldg Kanhuraw Hill Tacloban City and or through ZoomFb Messenger Bids will be Opened in the Presence of the Bidders Representatives Who Choose to Attend the Activity 10 The Department of Agriculture-Rfo 8 Reserves the Right to Reject Any and All Bids Declare a Failure of Bidding Or not Award the Contract at Any Time Prior to Contract Award in Accordance with Section 41 of Ra 9184 and its Irr Without Thereby Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidder or Bidders 11 Da does not Condone Any Form of Solicitation on Any Prospective Winning and Losing Bidders by Any of Our StaffEmployees or Any Other Party Any Sort of this Kind shall be Reported Immediately to the Office of the Secretary or the National Bureau of Investigation Nbi for Entrapment and Proper Investigation12 For Further Information Please Refer toMartins a AldeHead Bac-Secretariat Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office-8Kanhuraw Hill Tacloban CityDarfo8BacsecGmailComLandline No 53832-0834Mobile No 09177045433WwwDa08DaGovPh13 You may Visit the following Websites For Downloading of Bidding Documents WwwPhilgepsGovPh or WwwDa08DaGovPhFor Online Bid Submission Darfo8BacsecGmailComApproved bySgd Elvira CTorresChairman Bids and Awards Committee