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Invitation to Bid ITB 21gfg0030 - Procurement of Heavy Equipment for Use in the Road Maintenance Activities of Dpwh Camarines Sur 4th DeoClosing Date Time 28092021 1000 AMArea of Delivery Camarines SurProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Public Works and HighwaysOffice of the District EngineerCamarines Sur 4th District Engineering OfficeRegion VCaraycayon Tigaon Camarines SurTel 054 881-0107Invitation to Apply for Eligibility and to BidThe Department of Public Works and Highways Dpwh Camarines Sur 4th District Engineering Office Through its Bids and Awards Committee Bac for Goods Intends Suppliers to Submit Bids for the following Contracts1-Unit Hydraulic Wheeled Excavator Php995000000Engine 571 Lit Engineer Displacement6 Cylinder Diesel Engine Turbo ChargeRated Power 102 KwMax Torque 690 NMBucket Capacity 060 Cubic MeterBoom 44 MeterAttachment Hydraulic Grapple and BreakerOther Specs Climate Control with Aircon JoystickSemi-Long Extra Work Light Travel Alarm Care TrackGsm 1 Pump Single Acting Piping Tool Kit1 Unit-Road Grader Php760000000Engine 675 Lit Engine Displacement Turbo ChargeRated Power 105 KwMax Torque 610 NMBucket Capacity 10 Feet MoldboardBrake System Chain Transmission Drum BrakeOther Specs Mid Sacrificer 9 TeethSmall Mid Amount Sacrificer Cover Plate ReplacedModule Canopy Remove ModuleLocation Dpwh Cam Sur 4th Deo Caraycayon Tigaon Camarines SurApproved Budget for The Contract Abc Php1755000000Cost of Bid Documents Php2500000Source of Fund Gaa 2021 Eao Contract Duration 30 CDThe Bac is Conducting the Public Bidding for this Contract in Accordance with Ra 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and RegulationsBidders should have Completed Within from the Date of Submission and Receipt of Bids A Contract Similar to the Project The Description of an Eligible Bidder is Contained in the Bidding Documents Particularly In Section Iv Instruction to BiddersTo be Eligible to Bid for this Contract A Supplier must Meet the following Major RequirementsA Registration Certificate from Sec Department of Trade and Industry Dti for Sole Proprietorship Or Cda for CooperativesB MayorsBusiness Permit Issued by the City or Municipality Where the Principal Place of Business of the Prospective Bidders is Located or the Equivalent Document for Exclusive Economic Zones or AreasC Tax Clearance Per Executive Order 398 Series of 2005 As Finally Reviewed and Approved by the BirD Filipino Citizen or 60 Filipino-Owned PartnershipCorporationE Completion of a Similar Contract Costing at Least 50 of the Abc within Three 3 Years PeriodF Net Financial Contracting Capacity Nfcc at Least Equal to the Abc or in Lieu of the Nfcc Computation A Committed Line of Credit Clc Specific to the Contract to be Bid from a Universal or Commercial BankThe Dpwh will Use Non-Discretionary PassFail Criteria in the Eligibility Check Preliminary Examination of Bids Evaluation of Bids Post Qualification and AwardThe Schedule of Key Procurement Activities for this Contract is Shown belowActivity Time Place1 IssuanceDownloading of Bidding Documents September 06 -28 2021Until 1000 aM Hard Copies at Bac Secretariat Bac Room Dpwh Cam Sur 4th Deo Tigaon Cam Sur Downloading from Dpwh Website WwwDpwhGovPh Philgeps Website WwwPhilgepsGovPh And Website of Concerned Foreign Financing Institution2 Pre-Bid Conference September 13 2021 at 1000 aM Bac Room Dpwh Cam Sur 4th Deo Tigaon Cam Sur3 Receipt by the Bac of Bids Deadline Until 1000 aM September 28 2021 Bac Room Dpwh Cam Sur 4th Deo Tigaon Cam Sur4 Opening of Bids September 28 2021At 1001 aM Bac Room Dpwh Cam Sur 4th Deo Tigaon Cam SurBidders shall Pay the Bac a Non-Refundable Fee of in the Amount Stated above for the Bidding Documents Upon Securing Hard Copies of the Documents Bidders that Downloaded The Documents from the Dpwh Website shall Pay the Fee upon Submission of Their Bids All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and in the Amount of Stated in the Instruction to BiddersThe Dpwh Camarines Sur 4th District Engineering Office Tigaon Camarines Sur Reserves the Right to Accept or Reject Any Bid and to Annul the Bidding Process Any Time before Contract Award Without Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidders In Accordance with the Provisions of Section 41 of Ra 9184 and its IrrFor Further Information Please Refer toAlberto I TexonEngineer Ii Acting Procurement Engineer Cellphone Number 0963-019-8561Email Address VargasAilynDpwhGovPhAlice B MagistradoChief Planning Design SectionBac ChairpersonDate Published September 06-12 2021Posted at Dpwh-WebsitePhilgepsBulletin Board