Denmark Tenders

Denmark Construction work Totalentrepriseaftale vedrrende opfrelse af bygning for specialtandplejen p Regionshospitalet i Viborg

Organisation : Region Midtjylland

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Laboratory services EU-udbud af Rammeaftale vedrrende kemiske laboratorieanalyser af nringsstoffer metaller uorganiske sporstoffer og miljfa...

Organisation : Styrelsen For Grøn Arealomlægning og Vandmiljø

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 18/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Shredding and sale of A4 wood from ARGO and Odsherred Municipality's recycling sites

Organisation : ARGO I/S, Odsherred Kommune

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 14/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Passenger cars Udbud af 24 elbiler til Hjemmeplejen i Hillerd Kommune Genudbud

Organisation : Hillerød Kommune - Indkøb

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Construction work Vesterbro Torv

Organisation : Aarhus Kommune, Teknik og Miljø

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 23/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Wheeled loaders EU-udbud af fabriksny materialehndteringsmaskine til Nordvrk

Organisation : Nordværk I/S

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 16/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Pharmaceutical products Amgros 2025 1403a

Organisation : Amgros I/S

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 25/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Software package and information systems Udbud vedrrende flles statslig aftale om standard softwareprodukter og Cloud Platform Tjenester

Organisation : Danske stat ved Økonomistyrelsen

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 20/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Machinery for mining quarrying construction equipment Gummihjulslsser til Lisbjerg

Organisation : Kredsløb Genbrug A/S

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 23/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Udbud af standplads nr. 5 på Testcenter Høvsøre

Organisation : DTU

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 06/06/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Road transport services Udbud af Visiteret krsel for Struer Kommune

Organisation : Struer Kommune

Publish : 13/03/2025

Deadline : 06/05/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

OP Covering

Organisation : Region Nordjylland

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 20/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Public EU tender regarding Telephony Services and Solutions

Organisation : Region Hovedstaden

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 17/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Re-tender - Framework agreement for crane, jacking and transport services to Stenlille

Organisation : Energinet

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Iridium SIM cards incl. RUDICS and SBD services

Organisation : Klimadatastyrelsen

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Refuse disposal and treatment Kontrakt om sortering og afstning af tekstilaffald

Organisation : I/S Vestforbrænding og datterselskaber

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 24/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Telecommunications services Offentligt EU udbud vedr Telefoniydelser og Lsninger

Organisation : Region Hovedstaden, Region Sjælland

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 17/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Construction work Rammeaftale vedrrende Storentreprise Teknikfag til Region Hovedstaden Center for Ejendomme

Organisation : Region Hovedstaden, Center for Ejendomme

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 10/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Refuse and waste related services Genudbud af Affaldsindsamlingen ved husholdninger

Organisation : Frederikssund Kommune

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 25/03/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Architectural construction engineering and inspection services Projektkonkurrence om udviklingen og transformationen af Slagteribygningen i ...

Organisation : Ejendomsfonden Slagteribygningen

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 10/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Hire of trucks with driver Genudbud - Rammeaftale p kran- baksnings- og transportydelser til Stenlille

Organisation : Gas Storage Danmark A/S

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Consultative engineering and construction services 9095R07 og 9095R08 - Bygvrker Nord 1 og Bygvrker Nord 2 - 3 Limfjordsforbindelse

Organisation : Vejdirektoratet

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Satellite-related communications equipment Iridium SIM cards incl RUDICS and SBD services

Organisation : Klimadatastyrelsen

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 11/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Furniture incl office furniture furnishings domestic appliances excl lighting and cleaning products Daginstitutionsmbler 2025

Organisation : Sønderborg Kommune, Fredericia Kommune, Holstebro...

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 10/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

Denmark Construction work Rammeaftale vedrrende Storentreprise ByggefagHovedentreprise til Region Hovedstaden Center for Ejendomme

Organisation : Region Hovedstaden, Center for Ejendomme

Publish : 12/03/2025

Deadline : 10/04/2025

Region : Europe

Country : Denmark

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