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Tender Notice
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Invitation to Bid ITB Labor for the Rehabilitation of Day Care Center TabanClosing Date Time 14092021 100 AMArea of Delivery Camarines SurProcurement Mode Public BiddingBrief Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of Camarines SurMunicipality of MinalabacBarangay Taban-O0o-Invitation to Bid forLabor for the Rehabilitation of Day Care Center CenterAt Zone 1 Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur1 Blgu-Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur Through 20 Edf Cy 2019 Intends to Apply the Sum of Seventy Five Thousand Two Hundred Twenty One Pesos and 20100 P 7522120 being the Approved Budget for the Contract Abc to Payments under the Contract Labor for the Rehabilitation of Day Care Center at Zone 1 Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur Bids Received in Excess of the Abc shall be Automatically Rejected at Bid Opening2 The Blgu-Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur Through its Bids and Awards Committee Bac Now Invites Contractors to Submit Bids for the Labor for the Rehabilitation of Day Care Center at Zone 1 Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur3 Bidding will be Conducted through Open Competitive Bidding Procedures Using Non-Discretionary PassFail Criterion as Specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations Irr of Republic Act 9184 Ra 9184 Otherwise Known as the Government Procurement Reform Act Bidding is Restricted to Filipino CitizensSole Proprietorships Partnerships Or Organizations with at Least Seventy Five Percent 75 Interest or Outstanding Capital Stock Belonging to Citizens of the Philippines4 Interested Bidders may Obtain Further Information from Blgu-Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur and Review the Bidding Documents at the Address Given below during Office Days from 800 am to 500 Pm5 A Complete Set of Bidding Documents may be Purchased by Interested Bidders from the Address below upon Payment of a Non-Refundable Fee for the Bidding Documents in the Amount of Three Hundred Pesos P 300006 Bids must be Delivered to the Address below on or before 1000 am of September 14 2021 at the Barangay Hall of Taban Minalabac Cam Sur All Bids must be Accompanied by a Bid Security in Any of the Acceptable Forms and in the Amount Stated in Itb Bids will be Opened in the Presence of the Bidders Representatives Who Choose to Attend at the Address below Late Bids shall not be Accepted7 To be Eligible to Bid for this Contract Contractors must Submit Three 3 Copies One 1 Original Copy and Two 2 Photocopies of Bidding Documents and Such must be in Accordance with the Philippine Bidding Document Procurement of Infrastructure Project 2016 Revised Irr of Ra 91848 The Procurement Activities are as FollowsActivityInclusive DatesIssuance of Bid Documents September 7 - 13 2021 800am-500pm and September 14 2021 800am-1000am at the Barangay Hall of TabanSubmission of Bids September 14 2021 1000 am at the Barangay Hall of TabanOpening of Bids September 14 2021 200 Pm at the Barangay Hall of Taban9 Blgu Taban Minalabac Camarines Sur Reserves the Right to Accept or RejectAny or All Bid and to Annul the Bidding Process Any Time before Contract Award Without Incurring Any Liability to the Affected Bidders10 For Further Information Please Refer toIrene a BalidPunong BarangayTabanMinalabac Camarines Sur