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Tender Notice
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Middle East
Tenders are invited for -Providing Computers / 400 / Syrian Commercial Bank
Commercial Bank of Syria
Request for proposals-execution at the expense of a contractor who is responsible for execution
- Providing computers number /400 / required by the Commercial Bank of Syria
- The deadline for receiving offers: until the end of the official working hours from Monday, corresponding to 12/6/2023 at the General Administration Office of the Commercial Bank of Syria
- Temporary insurance /28,000,000 / L.X only twenty-eight million Syrian pounds only, and attach a cash notice to pay a lump-sum stamp fee in the amount of /50,000/ L.O only fifty thousand Syrian pounds, only for the temporary guarantee provided
- Final insurances10 % of the total contract value
- Execution period: the bidder must specify the supply period of the equipment within his offer, and the minimum execution period is taken into account when evaluating the offers
- The period of the bidder's engagement with his offer/120 / one hundred and twenty days only from the date of the end of the submission of offers
- The period of attachment of the nominated offer /60 / sixty days from the date of notification of the transfer of the pledge to him in writing and in accordance with Article / 32 / of Law No. 51 / of 2004
- Delay penalty :/0.001/ only one thousand for each day of delay, provided that it does not exceed 20% of the total value of the contract
- This declaration is subject to the provisions of the contract law issued by Law No. 51 dated 9/12/2004 and Law No. 60 dated 30/12/2004 regulating the real profit income tax, salaries and wages.
- Those wishing to subscribe to this ad must attach a cash notice to pay a lump-sum stamp fee in the amount of /100,000/L.O only one hundred thousand Syrian pounds, only about the request to participate in the request for offers
- Those wishing to participate in this announcement should come to-Youssef al-Azma square-the building of the General Administration of the Commercial Bank of Syria in Damascus - the Directorate of financial affairs-in order to obtain the books of technical, financial and legal special conditions for an amount of /200,000/ L.X only two hundred thousand Syrian pounds only
- To view the books of special conditions ( technical, financial and legal), you can visit the website of the Commercial Bank of Syria ( )
[Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.]